Drill Teams

- Armed Exhibition c/LCDR Mason Kelley
- Unarmed Exhibition c/Master Chief Petty Offier Erica Teague
- Armed Basic c/Ensign Brendan Hulion
- Unarmed Basic c/Ensign Sabrina Farro
- Color Guard c/Ensign Kurt Trees
- Academics c/Chief Petty Officer Michael Doyle
- Athletics c/Ens Tyler McDonald
Drill Team and Color Guard Captains
Team captains are responsible for the overall training and management of their teams. Under the direction of the Cadet Commander, they will prepare Cadets to participate in NJROTC-sponsored and other competitions. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
- Be prepared to meet all scheduled appearances and to act on short notice to request for special appearances.
- In conjunction with the NSI, established practice schedules that will cause the least inconvenience to Cadets, their families, and the school and result in the greatest training value. Practices not listed on the master schedule, will not be held unless expressively approved by the SNSI/NSI.
- Work with the SNSI/NSI and CO/XO/OPS to schedule public appearances in the school and community a tentative schedule should be developed within one week of the start of school in the fall.
- Team Commanders will be held responsible for knowledge of the contents of the Drill and Ceremonies Manual in so far as it affects their teams.
- Maintain accurate muster records for each scheduled practice. A permanent muster book will be utilized and the book will be placed in permanent file at the end of the school year. Those team members who have an excused absence from school on the day of a practice or who have been excused by the CO/XO or SNSI/NSI will not be penalized in any way.
- Ensure the PAO is provided with information concerning activities of teams so that press coverage can be obtained.
- Color Guard Commander is responsible for maintenance and accountability of the Unit and school flags.
- Coordinate desired competitions with the team’s coordinator.
- Provide a list of those Cadets qualified to receive the NJROTC Varsity Letter (through the Chain of Command).
Team Captains
Team captains are responsible for the overall training and management of their teams. Under the direction of the Cadet Commander, they will prepare Cadets to participate in NJROTC-sponsored and other competitions. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
- Establish, publish, and hold a regular schedule of training sessions.
- Nominate qualified Cadets to take part in competitions.
- Establish and maintain team assignments to support the best training and competitiveness of the teams.
- Verify team members ribbon request forms for awarding the Team Ribbon in accordance with established criteria.
- Maintain a file of material that will assist Cadets in preparing for tests.
- Coordinate desired competitions with the team’s coordinator.
- Maintain accurate muster records for each scheduled practice. A permanent muster book will be utilized and the book will be placed in permanent file at the end of the school year. Those team members who have excused absence from school on the day of a practice or who have been excused by the CO/XO or SNSI/NSI will not be penalized in any way.
- Ensure the PAO is provided with the information concerning activities of teams so that press coverage can be obtained.
- Provide a list of those Cadets qualified to receive the NJROTC Varsity Letter (through the Chain of Command) three weeks prior to the end of the year Change of Command ceremony.
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